last seen 29 day(s) ago



  • Flowers of Hope

    Favorited:  1
    Viewed:  1789
    Decorations:  145
    Created by: ИэХт
    Tags: Flowers, Turtle, Cosmic, Cozy
    Hideout version: 1.0
  • Tinys For the Science

    Favorited:  194
    Viewed:  89870
    Decorations:  768
    Created by: TinysHideouts
    Tags: Tinyshideouts, Night, Cozy, Steampunk, Big Windows, Golden, Daylight, Blue, Yellow, Cosy, Window
    Hideout version: 2.2
  • Healer's Hut

    Favorited:  24
    Viewed:  11455
    Decorations:  631
    Created by: LuLu242
    Tags: Coral, Large, Warm Lights, Practical, Forest, Hut, Witch, Apothecary
    Hideout version: 1.2 | Non-MTX Version
  • Sanguine Hope

    Favorited:  11
    Viewed:  8304
    Decorations:  305
    Created by: ИэХт
    Hideout version: 1.0
  • Crimson fort

    Favorited:  21
    Viewed:  15842
    Decorations:  511
    Created by: Mog
    Hideout version: 1.0