Mageblood Factory
Base: Sanguine Hideout
MTX: No | 2 | 9075
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 5
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 6
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Mystical Jungle
Base: Ghost-lit Graveyard Hideout
MTX: Yes | 1 | 5159
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 6Hideout version: 1.0.1 -
Haunted Village
Base: Ghost-lit Graveyard Hideout
MTX: Yes | 12 | 19344
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.1 -
Smaller Glacial Hideout
Base: Glacial Hideout
MTX: No | 1 | 7024
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 5
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Enhanced Ritual Hideout
Base: Ritualist's Hideout
MTX: Yes | 3 | 8219
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Underground Temple 1.0
Base: Nocturnal Hideout
MTX: No | 11 | 12716
Created by: Kej231
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0