last seen 9 day(s) ago



  • Volcanic Nest

    Favorited:  8
    Viewed:  2622
    Decorations:  656
    Created by: LuLu242
    Tags: Cartographer's, Warm Lights, Orange, Yellow, Cave, Volcano, Lava, Nest, Dragon, Mercurial Serpent Map Device, Mapping
    Hideout version: 1.2 | Relic Locker + Crafting Bench Fix
  • Temple to Arohongui

    Favorited:  68
    Viewed:  28515
    Decorations:  772
    Created by: Morinmeth
    Tags: Moon, Moonlight, Night, Light, Lotus, Arohongui, Karui, Competition, Compact, Practical, Dark
    Hideout version: 1.0
  • "Insatiable" - The Scavenger's Cannibal Compound

    Favorited:  15
    Viewed:  7348
    Decorations:  772
    Created by: Keld
    Hideout version: 1.0
  • Brimstone - NO MTX (except Base)

    Favorited:  12
    Viewed:  4696
    Decorations:  772
    Created by: Keld
    Hideout version: 1.0
  • Dark Academia - Mini

    Favorited:  15
    Viewed:  7816
    Decorations:  239
    Created by: Keld
    Hideout version: 1.0