Quin rank 1
Base: Infinite Abyss Hideout
MTX: No | 0 | 7647
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 4
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Corrupt graveyard
Base: Infinite Abyss Hideout
MTX: Yes | 3 | 7400
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 4
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Crimson nebula
Base: Celestial Nebula Hideout
MTX: Yes | 14 | 11493
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 6
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Crimson pit (cheap & small)
Base: Enlightened Hideout
MTX: No | 10 | 9865
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 4
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 6
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Crimson desert
Base: Celestial Hideout
MTX: No | 13 | 15218
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Abyssal graveyard
Base: Infinite Abyss Hideout
MTX: No | 39 | 22572
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 5
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 2 -
Creeping cold
Base: Celestial Nebula Hideout
MTX: Yes | 4 | 8635
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Foul pool
Base: Celestial Nebula Hideout
MTX: Yes | 0 | 8944
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 4
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 5
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 2 -
Base: Celestial Hideout
MTX: No | 17 | 36611
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 6
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 6
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 6Hideout version: 1.0.0 -
Skeletal fiery prison (cheap)
Base: Skeletal Hideout
MTX: No | 75 | 98638
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 4
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 5
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 6
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 6Hideout version: 1 -
Cataclysm prison
Base: Doomguard Hideout
MTX: Yes | 15 | 19622
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 5
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1 -
Tectonic prison
Base: Celestial Hideout
MTX: Yes | 21 | 24993
Created by: Woody
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 4
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 5
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 6
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1