Shrine Hideout Minimal _ Lightning added v2
Base: Shrine Hideout
MTX: No | 0 | 2912
Created by: TwoInchSock
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 0
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 0
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 0
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 4Hideout version: -
Shrine Minimal _ With Makeshift walls
Base: Shrine Hideout
MTX: No | 0 | 2012
Created by: TwoInchSock
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 0
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 0
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 0
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 4Hideout version: -
Void World 3 - Simple Minimalist Darkness
Base: Cartographer's Hideout
MTX: No | 1 | 5109
Created by: TwoInchSock
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 5
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 4Hideout version: 1.1