The Vaal altar
Base: Baleful Hideout
MTX: Yes | 3 | 3791
Created by: Alice_Cara
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 5
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 4Hideout version: 1.0 -
Lovecraft's secret
Base: Unearthed Hideout
MTX: No | 3 | 3863
Created by: Alice_Cara
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
The Source of Death
Base: Celestial Nebula Hideout
MTX: No | 0 | 8509
Created by: Alice_Cara
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 7
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
The Source of Wishes
Base: Celestial Nebula Hideout
MTX: Yes | 7 | 6594
Created by: Alice_Cara
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 6
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 7
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 6
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0 -
Grotto to center of Earth
Base: Glacial Hideout
MTX: Yes | 11 | 8122
Created by: Alice_Cara
Einhar, Beastmaster Level: 6
Zana, Master Cartographer Level: 6
Alva, Master Explorer Level: 7
Niko, Master of the Depths Level: 7Hideout version: 1.0