Lush Haven

Welcome to Lush Haven. The lushest and safest place in all of outer space. 

With you on this tropical island is the 7 masters of Wraeclast. They are there to help you and guide you. You find them in their areas on different parts of the island. 

Enjoy your mapping from the center of the island. 


02 August, 2019 - 10:51

So nice hideout <3

Post your comment - no urls please

Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 762
Uses MTX: No

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Helena No 1
Jun No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Stash No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Crypt Rubble No 283
Vaal Debris No 22
Vaal Fire Pit No 1
Vaal Figurine No 3
Sword In Ground No 1
Decorated Tree No 1
Large Rocks No 67
Ossuary Grave No 9
Ossuary Grave Marker No 3
Ossuary Pillar No 2
Pooling Blood No 5
Vaal Block No 2
Colossus Head No 1
Glowing Embers No 13
Vaal Altar No 1
Vaal Round Altar No 1
Vaal Weathered Pillar No 1
Decorated Trees No 2
Animal Cage No 1
Forest Flowers No 63
Menagerie Bucket No 2
Menagerie Feeding Trough No 1
Animal Pile No 1
Desert Cactus No 1
Fern No 3
Flax Plant No 1
Hitching Post No 1
Lush Tree No 7
Meat Baskets No 1
Palisade No 17
Pitbull Corpse No 1
Tree No 19
Agave Plant No 2
Aloe Plant No 1
Bush No 7
Low Mossy Wall No 1
Macrotaen Plant No 4
Poppy Plant No 1
Whare Rug No 1
Bandit Tent No 1
Bestiary Notes No 1
Garden Palm No 5
Mossy Wall No 2
Mossy Wall Arch No 1
Overgrown Arch No 6
Pit Flags No 2
Pit Post No 1
Raphina Tree No 3
Thicket Tree No 1
Whare Floor No 2
Fortification Door No 1
Kitava Head No 1
Lava Fountain No 2
Lush Palm No 1
Overgrown Wall No 7
Palisade Gate No 1
Rock Formation No 1
Slave Cart No 1
Menagerie Altar No 1
Palm Group No 4
Spore Pods No 1
Syndicate Cabinet No 1
Toxic Pods No 1
Blue Light Beam No 1
Primeval Column No 2
Azurite Bucket No 1
Mushroom Cluster No 9
Sewer Moss No 29
Iron Lantern No 1
Axiom Pillar No 23
Azurite Chunk No 1
Azurite Mine Cart No 1
Copper Chest No 1
Grigor's Wall No 1
Iron Fence No 2
Steam Hydrant No 1
Map Board No 1
Maraketh Lantern No 5
Elaborate Stall No 2
Functional Stall No 1
Ghostly Fog No 1
Slum Building No 1
Innocence Candle No 1
Wooden Planks No 46
Oriath Lantern No 3
Innocence Shrine No 1
Ramshackle Crate No 1
Wounded Slave No 1
Golden Offering Statue No 1
Innocence Statue Pedestal No 1
Sand Tracks No 1
Phoenix Vent No 2
Sky Shrine Wall No 1
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 No 2019-07-21 23:45:47 1,789,500 762 1063 Download

1.0 | 21 Jul 2019 - 23:45

Initial release