Desert Paradise

A cozy little paradise in the desert. I made this one back in 2018, I recently got back into PoE and after making few more changes to it decided to share it. It's not as crazy as some of the other ones on here but I think it worked out not too bad.


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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 366
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Weathered Pot No 1
Ancient Rubble No 4
Ancient Vessel No 1
Broken Floor No 1
Excavated Brick No 1
Sleeping Lion Statue No 2
Vaal Fire Pit No 1
Boat Remains No 2
Ruined Long Table No 1
Ruined Mat No 2
Ruined Standing Lamp No 1
Tombstone No 4
Church Pillar No 4
Crypt Tomb No 1
Ruined Sofa Bed No 1
Frightened Exile No 1
Rapture Device No 1
Stone Archway No 2
Church Wall Gate No 1
Colossus Sword No 1
Glowing Embers No 3
Standing Lion Statue No 2
Blood Fog (Red) No 1
Blood Fog (Yellow) No 1
Corrupted Specks No 1
Corruption No 2
Large Church Wall Arch No 1
Winged Statue No 1
Driftwood Branches No 1
Shore Rocks No 8
Barrels No 1
Buckets No 1
Forest Flowers No 1
Shore Plank Debris No 1
Shore Stub No 1
Animal Skeleton No 1
Camp Rug No 2
Dead Seagull No 1
Desert Cactus No 3
Desert Grass No 8
Fish Stand No 1
Flax Plant No 2
Hitching Post No 1
Lookout's Booth No 1
Palisade No 6
Seagull Nest No 1
Sitting Log No 1
Stick With Skull No 2
Tree No 1
Agave Plant No 8
Aloe Plant No 7
Depressed Exile No 1
Junk Pile No 1
Macrotaen Plant No 13
Palm Tree No 1
Poppy Plant No 12
Wounded Exile No 1
Bestiary Notes No 1
Desert Plants No 8
Garden Palm No 3
Mossy Wall Arch No 1
Raphina Tree No 1
The Last to Die No 1
Bulb Palm No 2
Lava Fountain No 1
Lava Glow No 1
Lush Palm No 1
Whale Skeleton Bones No 1
Abandoned Crane No 1
Large Whale Skeleton Ribs No 1
Palm Group No 2
Ravenal Tree No 1
Whale Skeleton Ribs No 1
Whale Skeleton Spine No 1
Charred Skeleton No 1
Primeval Rubble No 1
Faustus, the Financier No 1
Image of Undertaker Arimor No 1
Johan, the King's Hand No 1
Rising Smoke No 1
Blue Light Beam No 2
Raging Fire No 2
Sand Pile No 1
Syndicate Ladder No 1
Warped Skull No 1
Maraketh Brazier No 1
Primeval Planter No 1
Thick Smoke No 2
Triumph Fountain No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Manifesto Stand No 1
Syndicate Shield Stand No 1
Primeval Power Source No 1
Crumbled Boxes No 2
Crumbled Carts No 2
Den Small Rock No 1
Den Stalagmites No 1
High Chair No 1
Prison Desk No 1
Low Fire Pit No 4
Axiom Pillar No 2
Azurite Chunk No 6
Copper Chest No 1
Crumbled Flag No 2
Grigor's Wall No 1
Labyrinth Plaque No 1
Library Book Pile No 1
Prison Cage No 1
Reliquary Pillar No 2
Weathered Tent No 3
Ashen Bonfire No 1
Map Board No 1
Maraketh Lantern No 1
Scattered Papers No 2
Fetid Smog No 1
Ghostly Fog No 2
Water Fog No 5
Book Pile No 4
Innocence Bench No 5
Innocence Candle No 24
Oriath Barrels No 2
Ornate Basin No 3
Templar Experiment Table No 1
Temple Stool No 2
Wooden Planks No 9
Bronze Piping No 1
Candelabrum No 4
Dark Vessel No 1
Innocence Candle Row No 6
Oriathan Books No 1
Temple Chair No 1
Courthouse Bench No 1
Innocence Candelabra No 3
Arena Petals No 1
Rail Post No 1
Templar Rug No 1
Bathhouse Rug No 1
Brick Archway No 1
Broken Barricade No 1
Classical Wall Decoration No 3
Medium Golden Statue No 1
Ornate Banner No 2
Pillar Debris No 3
Templar Barricade No 7
Bathhouse Mosaic No 2
Garden Statue No 1
Pillars and Flag No 2
Thin Column No 2
Columns No 1
Dominus Portrait No 1
Golden Arch No 1
Golden Sparkles No 3
Image of Catarina No 1
Image of Elreon No 1
Image of Haku No 1
Image of Leo No 1
Image of Tora No 1
Image of Vagan No 1
Image of Vorici No 1
Justice Statue No 2
Large Bird Cage No 1
Letters of Exile No 1
Maven's Astrolabe No 1
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 Yes 2024-08-22 12:38:04 2,276,332 366 106 Download

1.0 | 22 Aug 2024 - 12:38

Initial release

Desert Paradise Oasis