Japanese Inspired Castle Town - MTX and Non-MTX

Welcome to a little Japanese-themed castle town, complete with functioning entranceways, your very own blacksmith, and a serpent extract distributor!

A fair warning, it is MTX heavy because we needed to put those premium decorations somewhere. :3 The design is modular and clean. Enjoy!~ ♥



* Added a non- MTX version where Einhar pulls his own cart since he sold his horse. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did when making it!~ ♥




27 May, 2024 - 01:15

Super clean layout. I love it! If you can afford the MTX, it's totally worth it for quality of life entrances :)

27 May, 2024 - 22:08

Thank you! <3

31 May, 2024 - 07:32

Fantastic HO, really enjoy it.  If I were able to request one thing I'd ask for a variant without the vendor doodad, the stats on the store website says it's under 1% in a $5 box and even I'm not that degenerate.

31 May, 2024 - 18:04

I love that :)

06 June, 2024 - 12:09

Appreciate all the comments ~♥

and I've also added a non MTX version! :3

Post your comment - no urls please

Hideout version: 1.2 Variant: MTX
Total decorations: 771
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Atzoatl Map Device Yes 1
Bestiary Entranceway Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Cosmic Turtle Planter Box Yes 16
Cosmic Turtle Potplant Yes 7
Delve Entranceway Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Falling Leaves Yes 1
Item Display Case Yes 1
Kalguuran Forgemaster Station Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Labyrinth Entranceway Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Mystic Glowworms Yes 2
Necropolis Locker Yes 1
Sanctum Entranceway Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Sliding Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Well Objects Yes 1
Wide Light Beam Yes 11
Wisp Swarm Yes 1
Woodland Objects Yes 12
Alva No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Forest Encampment Ground No 4
Bow Rack No 1
Foothills Grass No 17
Mosaic Wall No 2
Large Rocks No 18
Ossuary Brazier No 2
Rotten Stump No 1
Thick Trees No 14
Decorated Trees No 1
Highgate Weapon Rack No 1
Forest Flowers No 14
Beach Coral No 3
Fern No 3
Grass Patch No 19
Tree No 4
Agave Plant No 7
Garden Path No 8
Red Grass No 6
Stone Obelisk No 4
Desert Plants No 1
Pit Flags No 2
The Last to Die No 1
Whare Floor No 15
Maple Tree No 2
Maraketh Cushion No 8
Ornate Wall Hanging No 2
Primeval Tree Planter No 4
Shrine Table No 1
Toxic Pods No 1
Bamboo Divider No 16
Basalt Column No 6
Basalt Fragment No 1
Image of Undertaker Arimor No 1
Lotus Bench No 2
Maraketh Table No 2
Peddling Villager No 1
Primeval Floor Mural No 1
Rising Smoke No 2
Sand Ground No 4
Bamboo Floor No 40
Pool Kit No 21
Primeval Tablet No 1
Primeval Trough No 2
Tasuni's Shrine No 143
Maraketh Gong No 5
Primeval Planter No 2
Primeval Shrine No 4
Primeval Stand No 2
Syndicate Armour Rack No 4
Thick Smoke No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Primeval Chair No 4
Mountain Spring No 1
Petrified Stump No 1
Primeval Bench No 2
Mushroom Cluster No 3
Iron Candelabra No 2
Relic Locker No 1
Thaumaturgy Pillar No 6
Travel Wagon No 1
Water Fog No 3
Wooden Planks No 26
Blocking Volume No 6
Incense Burner No 4
Oriath Lantern No 16
Oriath Ladder No 33
Book Shelf No 8
Labyrinth Rosette No 1
Sky Shrine Rubble No 7
Temple Arch No 67
Court Bookcase No 1
Sand Tracks No 16
Pohutukawa Tree No 45
Slave Gallows No 6
Latest version: 1.2 Variant: MTX

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.2 Variant: MTX Yes 2024-06-06 11:43:20 4,574,652 771 261 Download
1.1 Variant: No MTX decorations Yes 2024-06-06 11:39:14 5,212,552 772 63 Download

1.2 Variant: MTX | 06 Jun 2024 - 11:43

MTX heavy version

1.1 Variant: No MTX decorations | 06 Jun 2024 - 11:39

No MTX decorations

Japanese Clean Modular Mtx Nomtx