Nahh's Cave


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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 184
Uses MTX: No

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Torch No 4
Ruined Mat No 1
Weathered Grave No 22
Large Rocks No 63
Slave Pens Rug No 2
Camp Rug No 6
The Last to Die No 1
Maraketh Rug No 1
Primeval Floor Crystal No 1
Raging Fire No 1
Beast Trophy No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Iron Candelabra No 13
Iron Lantern No 1
Mine Rock No 8
Scavenged Rug No 2
Library Book Pile No 1
Library Bust No 1
Thaumaturgy Pillar No 1
Corrupt Marble No 2
Fossilised Miners No 1
Library Statue No 1
Prison Rostrum No 1
Statue of the Sisters No 1
Strange Globe No 1
Display Case No 1
Messy Study Table No 1
Relic Display No 1
Candelabrum No 2
Wood Ground No 4
Temple Mat No 1
Wicker Basket No 1
Courthouse Desk No 1
Court Bookcase No 3
Hanging Lamp No 1
Dominus Portrait No 1
Golden Sparkles No 8
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 No 2023-05-24 12:37:59 577,832 184 133 Download

1.0 | 24 May 2023 - 12:37

Initial release