Dark Home

Made since the players hideout was released in Path of Exile.


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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 372
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Apprentice Hideout Banner Yes 1
Arcane Flame Yes 4
Blue Crystal Yes 4
Breach Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Bronze Gargoyle Statue Yes 7
Cauldron Yes 1
Essence Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Falling Leaves Yes 1
Fire Gale Yes 1
Fireplace Yes 1
Golden Gargoyle Statue Yes 5
Grandmaster Hideout Banner Yes 1
Green Crystal Yes 4
Harlequin Spectators Yes 1
Huntsman Building Supplies Yes 1
Journeyman Hideout Banner Yes 1
Legacy Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Light Mural Tile Yes 1
Madcap Tree Yes 1
Master Hideout Banner Yes 1
Mystic Glowworms Yes 2
Oriath Citizen Yes 1
Perandus Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Pooled Water Yes 2
Red Crystal Yes 2
Sacrificial Shrine Yes 1
Sin Cathedral Yes 1
Snowman Yes 1
Solaris Throne Yes 5
Talisman Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Torment and Bloodlines Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Wisp Swarm Yes 1
Alva No 1
Armourer's Workbench No 1
Blessing Font No 1
Bowmaker's Tools No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Gladiator's Workbench No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Headstones No 1
Helena No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sharpening Wheel No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Torch No 6
Weathered Pot No 2
Ancient Vessel No 1
Broken Floor No 36
Crypt Rubble No 3
Vaal Debris No 2
Vaal Fire Pit No 1
Crypt Fire Pit No 1
Ruined Mat No 2
Ruined Standing Lamp No 3
Stone Well No 1
Tombstone No 1
Hungry Exile No 1
Skull Pile No 3
Tired Exile No 1
Weathered Grave No 1
Catacomb Pillar No 26
Decorated Tree No 1
Frightened Exile No 1
Large Pillar No 1
Emaciated Corpse Pile No 1
Glowing Embers No 2
Ruined Banner No 2
Bone Display No 1
Corrupted Specks No 1
Corruption No 1
Shore Rocks No 1
Metal Plate No 1
Metal Rod No 1
Shore Stub No 10
Animal Skeleton No 1
Cannibal Sheet No 1
Fly Swarm No 1
Lush Tree No 1
Rusty Disk No 1
Stick With Skull No 8
Tree No 4
Webbed Remains No 2
Bush No 5
Depressed Exile No 1
Dry Tree No 1
Palm Tree No 2
Rusty Machine No 1
Fortification No 1
Mossy Wall Arch No 1
Overgrown Arch No 2
Overgrown Statue No 1
The Last to Die No 1
Fortification Door No 2
Sarn Tree No 2
Blown Grass No 1
Blown Leaves No 2
Toxic Pods No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Bricks No 10
Den Small Rock No 2
Low Fire Pit No 2
Market Debris No 1
Sceptre Of God Debris No 1
Wagon Debris No 1
Scattered Books No 1
Stone Pieces No 22
Azurite Chunk No 1
Copper Chest No 2
Library Book Pile No 1
Relic Pile No 1
Prison Cage No 1
Ruined Fence No 6
Maraketh Lantern No 1
Skeleton Display No 3
Discarded Sheet No 1
Fetid Smog No 2
Ghostly Fog No 3
Candelabrum No 3
Broken Painting No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier No 2
Extraction Device No 1
Gilded Cage No 1
Oriath Army Barrel No 1
Temple Mat No 1
Temple Sofa No 1
Golden Bust No 1
Golden Statue No 4
Red Carpet No 8
Standing Lamp No 2
Temple Arch No 1
Cave Treasure No 14
Flag No 1
Golden Sparkles No 11
Image of Catarina No 2
Image of Elreon No 1
Image of Haku No 1
Image of Leo No 1
Image of Tora No 1
Image of Vagan No 1
Innocence Statue No 1
Study Desk No 1
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 Yes 2023-02-05 23:49:37 2,076,491 372 43 Download

1.0 | 05 Feb 2023 - 23:49

Initial release