torturous backstreet

Once a prosperous city centre is now war ravaged and infested with its sick inhabitants dealing with twisted rituals and sickly twisted dealings with fellow human beings. This camps prisoners does not last long once thirst for blood sets in for the masters of the camp.

Functional hideout with close proximity to stash, map and portal device. Almost no mtx used in this one, just plain and simple but highly detailed.


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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 242
Uses MTX: No

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Torch No 1
Ruined Mat No 1
Ruined Standing Lamp No 3
Temple Basin No 1
Decrepit Fence No 3
Hungry Exile No 5
Sword In Ground No 1
Tired Exile No 2
Blackguard Barricade No 1
Bloody Corpse No 3
Body Bag No 1
Disembodied Corpse No 8
Fresh Giblets No 2
Frightened Exile No 2
Pooling Blood No 1
Round Weapon Rack No 1
Ruined Book Shelf No 1
Ruined Sofa No 1
Ruined Stool No 1
Belly Ground Spikes No 4
Covered Corpses No 2
Flesh Glob No 2
Impaled Monster No 2
Severed Heads No 4
Stygian Tick No 2
Vaal Mummy No 1
Vestigial Organs No 1
Weapon Rack No 2
Beast Eyestalk No 1
Blood Fog (Red) No 1
Bloody Corpse Pile No 1
Catapult Ammo No 2
Cavia Porcellus Pile No 1
Corruption No 11
Ruined Experiment Table No 1
Clay Pot No 1
Rusted Cage No 1
Animal Cage No 1
Barrels No 3
Buckets No 1
Forest Flowers No 4
Rotten Dead Fish No 1
Shore Plank Debris No 1
Animal Pile No 1
Camp Rug No 3
Chopped Wood No 1
Palisade No 1
Pit Cleanup Cart No 1
Pitbull Corpse No 1
Slugs No 3
Stick With Skull No 1
Tree No 1
Crude Fence No 3
Depressed Exile No 4
Flies No 3
Impaled Corpse No 6
Shore Bonfire No 1
Wounded Exile No 7
Hung Corpse No 1
The Last to Die No 1
Garden Wall No 3
Lava Fountain No 2
Lava Glow No 1
Palisade Gate No 1
Slave Cart No 1
Large Tent No 1
Medium Tent No 1
Weathered Skull Display No 1
Charred Skeleton No 2
Oriathan Child No 4
Raging Fire No 1
Blacksmith's Barrel No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Ritual Totem No 1
Cave Trash No 2
Iron Boot No 1
Low Fire Pit No 2
Bastinado No 1
Scattered Books No 4
Dart Debris No 1
Grigor's Wall No 1
Labyrinth Corpses No 1
Iron Fence No 1
Prison Cage No 1
Reliquary Pillar No 2
Ruined Fence No 2
Dark Cargo Wagon No 1
Iron Maiden No 2
Labyrinth Lever No 1
Library Statue No 1
Maraketh Lantern No 1
Surgical Debris No 4
Torture Device No 1
Temple Stool No 1
Oriath Weapons Crate No 1
Oriathan Books No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Pieces No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Sitting No 2
Gilded Cage No 1
Oriath Army Barrel No 2
Oriath Supply Crate No 1
Sentinel Locker No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Elite No 1
Dead Slave No 1
Gilded Stocks No 1
Oriath Armour Crate No 2
Oriath Supplies No 2
Summoning Circle No 1
Templar Rug No 1
Classical Wall Decoration No 1
Reading Desk No 1
Court Bookcase No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Pile No 1
Gilded Tools Board No 3
Amplifier Chair No 2
Cave Treasure No 4
Dining Table No 1
Experiment Table No 2
Image of Haku No 1
Study Desk No 1
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 No 2022-11-12 20:37:00 1,590,732 242 549 Download

1.0 | 12 Nov 2022 - 20:37

Initial release

Dark Gloomy Occult Functional Detailed Cool Omnious Edgy Allnpc Npcs Stash Crafting Mapdevice Maps Nomtxneeded Nomtx