Tinys Breathing Cave
While visiting Tinys Wonder of the World Fair and watching the Core of the Earth shown there, our minds slowly drifted away and we left the realm of the consciousness.
In doing so, we did land somewhere dark and deep below the surface of a strange planet, where even the Rocks seem to watch and react to your presence. Glowing and dancing lights where you look, we can only WONDER how to LAND back on a more pleasant, sunny area of the Wonders of the World Fair again.
My late 2nd Entry to the Iron-Hideout-Contest 9 "Wonderland" based on the Primeval Hideout. Tnx for all who voted for this one to get that spot in the rankings!
After having done the lights 20+ times from scratch, i now release it as it is with slightly reduced lights to (hopefully) avoid any flickering lightsources.
Things like working on the lights and after a trade and someone left the hideout - 2 lights start doing an on / off cicle drove me mad over the last 2 days .. so be warned and better expect strange things may happen in this one.
And yes! it is dark ;)
Edit 5/5/2023 : Due to changes on how the lights work and affect each other, the effect is reduced :( - i may do a rework in the future to get a bit more of the old effect back - but for now - the breathing is reduced by 30-95%.
it actually begun with having water all over the place with some primeval lights down there too. :) But running out of lights as some started to flicker i removed the primevals first. Later on i deceided to remove the waterplane too, as fog and some other effects did not look that good when they emerged from below the watersurface to above and just "pop" into existence and not become visible smoothly.
(If the center of some objects is below the surface, the part of them that is above and should be rendered, is still invisible ... if the center moves 1 pixel up the whole object (particle system) becomes visible and the part that should have been visible for a longer time just does not look that nice.)
Post your comment - no urls please
Total decorations: 753
Uses MTX: No
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Dannig, Warrior Skald | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Gwennen, the Gambler | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Horticrafting Station | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Kirac | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Rog, the Dealer | No | 1 |
Sister Cassia | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Synthesiser | No | 28 |
Tane Octavius | No | 1 |
Tujen, the Haggler | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Zana | No | 9 |
Expedition Locker | No | 1 |
Heist Locker | No | 1 |
Driftwood Log | No | 2 |
Foothills Grass | No | 16 |
Large Crypt Rubble | No | 1 |
Vaal Marker | No | 2 |
Large Rocks | No | 34 |
Seed of Corruption | No | 2 |
Absorbed Flesh | No | 17 |
Bulbous Flesh | No | 6 |
Colossus Head | No | 1 |
Glowing Embers | No | 13 |
Ryslatha Tree | No | 7 |
Tumorous Cluster | No | 18 |
Beast Eyestalk | No | 2 |
Corrupted Specks | No | 6 |
Glandular Anemone | No | 1 |
Driftwood Branches | No | 2 |
Monster Corpse | No | 8 |
Fly Swarm | No | 3 |
Forest Tree | No | 1 |
Grass Patch | No | 1 |
Lush Tree | No | 3 |
Reef Coral | No | 1 |
Burned Tree | No | 3 |
Bush | No | 6 |
Dry Tree | No | 2 |
Kitava Horns | No | 75 |
Malachai's Dedication | No | 4 |
The Last to Die | No | 1 |
Coral Cluster | No | 3 |
Kaom Rock | No | 7 |
Coral Formation | No | 3 |
Moss Monster | No | 6 |
Ravenal Tree | No | 1 |
Primeval Debris | No | 1 |
Primeval Rubble | No | 1 |
Spore Pods | No | 35 |
Toxic Fungus | No | 7 |
Toxic Pods | No | 2 |
Bare Branches | No | 2 |
Petrified Primevals | No | 1 |
Rising Smoke | No | 8 |
Toxic Growths | No | 1 |
Toxic Pustules | No | 3 |
Bare Tree | No | 3 |
Blue Light Beam | No | 3 |
Primeval Support | No | 2 |
Sand Pile | No | 1 |
Tree Roots | No | 1 |
Karui Weapon Holder | No | 1 |
Syndicate Helm Stand | No | 7 |
Lilly Roth | No | 1 |
Lotus Terrace Stand | No | 10 |
Mountain Spring | No | 3 |
Primeval Column | No | 3 |
Primeval Pillar | No | 2 |
Ritual Totem | No | 1 |
Mushroom Cluster | No | 20 |
Sewer Moss | No | 67 |
Mine Rock | No | 2 |
Azurite Chunk | No | 17 |
Thaumaturgy Pillar | No | 9 |
Corrupt Marble | No | 3 |
Relic Stand | No | 1 |
Abyssal Ritual Circle | No | 1 |
Abyssal Whale Bones | No | 128 |
Azurite Vein | No | 6 |
Crystal Debris | No | 4 |
Water Fog | No | 7 |
Blocking Volume | No | 10 |
Void Ground | No | 6 |
Sentinel Locker | No | 1 |
Bridge Debris | No | 43 |
Cave Treasure | No | 5 |
Golden Sparkles | No | 1 |
Pohutukawa Tree | No | 6 |
Verdant Tree | No | 2 |
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
1.0 | No | 2022-07-18 18:38:17 | 8,041,522 | 753 | 1324 | Download |
1.0 | 18 Jul 2022 - 18:38
Initial release
This is so cool! Did you think about adding water to it?