Temple of Sunspire

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Hideout version: 2.0.0
Total decorations: 450
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Cauldron Yes 1
Delirium Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Fireplace Yes 1
Frozen Corpse Pile Yes 2
Harvest Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Ice Gale Yes 2
Incursion Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Innocence Symbol Yes 2
Light Mural Tile Yes 1
Madcap Spores Yes 1
Oriath Citizen Yes 3
Oriath Citizen Corpse Yes 1
Sin Symbol Yes 2
Synthesis Challenger Trophy Yes 1
Wasteland Campsite Yes 1
Wide Light Beam Yes 1
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Einhar No 1
Gladiator's Workbench No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Helena No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Seed Stockpile No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Torch No 6
Vaal Furniture No 1
Sleeping Lion Statue No 3
Vaal Fire Pit No 2
Crypt Fire Pit No 1
Ruined Standing Lamp No 4
Crypt Tomb No 4
Decrepit Fence No 1
Garden Column No 1
Hungry Exile No 4
Tired Exile No 1
Emaciated Corpse No 6
Frightened Exile No 6
Pooling Blood No 7
Sarn Palm No 1
Vaal Notes No 1
Colossus Head No 1
Glowing Embers No 13
Golden Lion Statue No 2
Vaal Altar No 1
Blood Fog (Red) No 1
Fellshrine Ruins No 8
Large Church Wall Arch No 2
Ramshackle Ladder No 1
Animal Pile No 1
Camp Rug No 5
Pit Cleanup Cart No 1
Seagull Nest No 1
Sitting Log No 2
Stick With Skull No 2
Tree No 3
Webbed Remains No 14
Aloe Plant No 2
Depressed Exile No 1
Dry Flax No 2
Dry Tree No 2
Flies No 1
Garden Path No 3
Impaled Corpse No 1
Shore Bonfire No 2
Tribal Chest No 2
Web-Covered Tree No 2
Wounded Exile No 3
Bandit Tent No 2
Hung Corpse No 4
Hunted Rhoa No 2
Ski Equipment No 4
Weathered Skull Pile No 2
Bulb Palm No 7
Lush Palm No 2
Menagerie Large Trough No 1
Spider Food No 3
Blown Grass No 9
Blown Leaves No 2
Large Overgrown Statue No 2
Medium Tent No 5
Overgrown Offering Statue No 2
Palm Group No 12
Whale Skeleton Spine No 1
Maple Tree No 10
Altar Burner No 2
Maraketh Rug No 1
Bamboo Floor No 1
Blue Light Beam No 2
Oriathan Child No 2
Snowy Rock No 9
Triumph Fountain No 1
Large Snowy Rock No 15
Oyun's Throne No 1
Syndicate Shield Stand No 2
Crumbled Boxes No 1
Overgrown Corpse No 1
Low Fire Pit No 4
Mine Cart No 1
Azurite Mine Cart No 2
Labyrinth Plaque No 1
Relic Pile No 8
Broken Blade Sentry No 1
Broken Spikes No 2
Weathered Tent No 2
Display Case No 1
Ghostly Fog No 1
Water Fog No 1
Innocence Bench No 4
Innocence Candle No 2
Oriathan Books No 3
Dead Oriath Soldier No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Pieces No 1
Dead Oriath Soldier Sitting No 2
Dead Sentinel No 1
Innocence Altar No 1
Innocence Candelabra No 2
Oriath Army Barrel No 1
Oriath Lantern No 13
Temple Sofa No 2
Innocence Shrine No 6
Oriath Armour Crate No 5
Oriath Supplies No 1
Red Carpet No 2
Standing Lamp No 2
Summoning Circle No 1
Templar Rug No 1
Bathhouse Rug No 1
Golden Chest No 3
Pillar Debris No 2
Plant Pot No 1
Bathhouse Mosaic No 2
Golden Offering Statue No 2
Ornate Planter No 3
Triclinium No 1
Cave Treasure No 46
Flag No 6
Frozen Tree No 6
Golden Arch No 1
Image of Catarina No 1
Image of Leo No 1
Image of Vagan No 1
Innocence Statue No 1
Large Golden Statue No 4
Oriath Guard Shed No 1
Oriath Statue No 2
Pohutukawa Tree No 2
Sanctum Statue No 2
Sky Shrine Door No 1
Temple Throne No 1
Verdant Tree No 8
Latest version: 2.0.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
2.0.0 Yes 2020-08-26 22:10:28 5,559,160 450 159 Download

2.0.0 | 26 Aug 2020 - 22:10
