Source of Purity


Small and compact hideout with enough space to make everything functional.


***You can notice now this ho is extremly bright compared to these pictures...from to 3.11 update bloom effect.***

***** I HAD A NEW VERSION 3.11.0 to provide the bloom effect *****


For a better effect of lights

Option --> graphics:
Lighting: shadows + global illumination
Bloom: Slight                                   

Pictures with this setup:

Also added the new deco block volume to hide the background of the hideout.


My Hideouts creation:


26 January, 2020 - 06:34

Awesome work, thank you for this beautiful and practical hideout!

27 January, 2020 - 23:33

why when I return to HO I'm stuck behind the wall?

28 January, 2020 - 02:55
@Dabouh : Thank you !

@d3viant6 : to reset this bug, you need to import the file, edit, move a step the waypoint and move it back to its initial position, export the file, then you reclaim all the decoration, import the file and the bug should disappear.
01 February, 2020 - 10:30

ty bro !!!

07 February, 2020 - 12:28

Hi! Very Cool Hideout What Does Undefined Mean?Im new to hideout stuff apreciated for you help!!!

08 February, 2020 - 01:50

@Domi4Life: Ty ! I think you have to up the level of a master to unlock the undefined decoration.

10 April, 2020 - 17:12
Very nice and cool hideout. Well done. I wish there was crafting bench somewhere as it's needed sometimes but apart from that 10/10 :)
10 April, 2020 - 18:22
I apologise for my above comment, the crafting bench is just by the way point :) So silly of me. This is a really well made HO and one of my favourites.
10 April, 2020 - 22:59

Hi, when i try to import this hideout, it says i need to have the divided hideout set as my hideout first.  But this is for the cartographers hideout so im not sure why its giving me that prompt.  Do you have any idea as to why it says that and if you know a fix to it? Thanks.  

11 April, 2020 - 12:54

@POEsparky: Thank oyu ! No worries about the crafting bench ;)

@Hamandcheese: I don't know, I DL the file and it work good for me,.

Post your comment - no urls please

Hideout version: 3.11.0
Total decorations: 533
Uses MTX: No

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Helena No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Seed Stockpile No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Mosaic Wall No 8
Stone Well No 1
Crypt Tomb No 21
Ossuary Plaque No 46
Sarcophagus No 13
Catacomb Pillar No 6
Crypt Pillar No 25
Large Rocks No 1
Stone Archway No 20
Tomb No 16
Menagerie Cage Fence No 7
Small Garden Statue No 1
Primeval Tree Planter No 6
Sanctum Pillar No 8
Spore Pods No 26
Oriath Ground No 4
Primeval Table No 8
Rising Smoke No 25
Blue Light Beam No 20
Primeval Floor Crystal No 4
Primeval Trough No 2
Primeval Container No 8
Snowy Rock No 24
Primeval Bench No 20
Primeval Column No 2
Bricks No 11
Azurite Chunk No 42
Copper Chest No 14
Azurite Vein No 8
Ghostly Fog No 4
Temple Stool No 7
Blocking Volume No 11
Oriath Lantern No 12
Temple Mat No 4
Arena Petals No 7
Ornate Banner No 12
Temple Arch No 25
Garden Statue No 9
Flag No 4
Golden Sparkles No 2
Justice Statue No 2
Oriath Statue No 2
Sanctum Statue No 4
Sky Shrine Door No 4
Sky Shrine Mosaic No 2
Sky Shrine Wall No 9
Latest version: 3.11.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
3.11.0 No 2020-07-10 15:10:50 3,127,750 533 94953 Download
3.9.0 No 2020-01-24 21:06:36 3,329,940 549 9874 Download

3.11.0 | 10 Jul 2020 - 15:10

less enlighten version

3.9.0 | 24 Jan 2020 - 21:06
